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Awards and Publications








2021 - Edict Cultural Award 01/2021 Secretary of Culture of Novo Hamburgo


2020 - Goethe Porto Alegre Institute Printed Art Award

2020 - Casa das Artes Gallery Award – Novo Hamburgo Secretary of Culture


2019 - DANA Visual Arts Award – Gravataí Culture Department

2018 - DANA Visual Arts Award – Gravataí Culture Department

2017 - EXPOCOM Documentary Award, (finalist) – Intercom

2015 - A University Various Views Photography Award (UFPEL) – Pelotas






2024 - After the Stack Opaque: Cloud Gaming Infrastruckture ans Enviromental Outsourcing Metabolism (Eduardo Luersen, Bibiana da Silva de Paula. (to be published this semester in the magazine MONEY | GAMES | ECONOMIES).  P. 283 - 317
Publisher: Krems University Press.



2023- Gambiarra and the in(ter)dependent condition Ecological relationships in the construction of experimental musical instruments - Bibiana da Silva de Paula, Eduardo Luersen.  ( published in Resonance : The Journal of Sound and Culture ; 4 (2023), 2. - pp. 143-157. - University of California Press. - eISSN 2688-867X )


2023- Gambiarra e a condição in(ter)dependente: relações ecológicas na construção de instrumentos musicais experimentais - chapter 2 in the book. (Sonoridades fronteiriças [livro eletrônico]: espaços, ecologias e mediações. PPGCOM/UFMG, 2023. Belo Horizonte/MG) 


2022 - The parasitic artist: gambiarra as an experimental process in sound media artMasters dissertation -



2021 -“Gambiarristic” techniques in the sound performance Man from space/man from the cave, by Chelpa Ferro - scientific article for Intercom -


2020 -Picturephone: the video call between new and old media -article for the TCAv website


2020 - Creative audiovisual adaptations in times of pandemic-article for the TCAv website


2020 -Rethinking communication as a museum and the museum as memory of communication-article for the TCAv website


2021 -My research on TCAv-article for the TCAv website


2020 -Ecology and Archeology of Media: an interview with Michael Goddard- interview for Teorizadah


2020 -Art and space in times of pandemic-article for the TCAv website


2020 -From the invisible around: art and informational space – Interview with Lucas Bambozzi-article for the TCAv website


2016 - Experimental audiovisual documentary -DrummerThe Voices of the Rhythm



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